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BoA Unlocked - Town Celebration 23/05/2021

Updated: 3 days ago

Valerian Fibres is thrilled that as part of our town celebration on 23/05/21, we will be having a masked parade. People are invited to bring their own masks or to make one! Of course you can always buy one from this website or from Made in Bradford on Avon.

There will be lots going on in Westbury Gardens between 11-3 and the masked parade is scheduled to take place at 1.30.

I will be doing a special felting display with a difference....

There is a discount code " boaunlocked" which will give you a discount on each mask purchased before the big day.

However, I am really keen for as many of my masks as possible to get into the parade so I would be delighted to hear from you if you would just like to borrow one for the parade itself.

Contact me through this website or email me on and we can find one that suits!



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